
Legal Resources

HCMP Client Update Seattle's New Guaranty Ordinance - What Commercial Landlords Need to Know

The Ordinance imposes limits on the maximum amount a landlord may require for a personal guaranty of a lease and imposes a limit on any required security deposit or letters of credit. Continue Reading »

Update on the Wilburton Vision Implementation

The proposed Code contemplates significant zoning changes, including increases in height and FAR to allow high rise development. Continue Reading »

New Law Removes the Notarization Requirement for Commercial Leases

Washington to no longer require acknowledgment, witnesses, or seals for leases of any duration. Continue Reading »

HCMP Client Update: New Law Creates Leasehold Excise Tax Exemption for Affordable Housing

Washington Legislature has approved a tax break for affordable housing built on state land. Continue Reading »

Employee Noncompetes Banned Nationwide (For Now)

United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC), by a 3-2 margin, voted to ban nearly all employee noncompetes. Continue Reading »

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